Interesting that after the big wax was gone i happily magreed to fight you on a
more level footing (ie not being just 2 rubs away from death).
Indeed later that dat you chhallenged me and although not toallly set up I did sit in cass
sq so at least didnt hide away.
I did invite you to come for me should you wish and give you your due you did.
I used some different tactics you obviously didnt have triggers set for
and nicely shipped you (you may have got a few rubs before you first died).
Interestingly the stave I sat near never hurt you once due to the tactics used.
One point about your last post - would you invite
a Mage to start a fight not sitting near rits or a Sorcerer to start a fight
without a demon entourage or Demaon Lords?
I await you reply with interest - Savannah is very estute in some comments made to me in person.
He realises that if seers enjoy the fact of a slowly build up wax to imageburn wuthout it fading over time
then the seers opponents tatics (including enlisting help) will change as the rubs approach the magic 40.
Written by my hand on the 1st of Ilmarael, in the year 984.