I have read with interest the discussions regarding Alister and the impact the actions of this single Thakrian is having on the youth of Avalon today.
My own opinion is that Alister is a capable theif fighter, tenacious and with a penchant for robbing shops. I had not in my time present particularly noticed a slew of low calibre fighter deaths attributed to him.
Even so I read about the stripping of Liam and the attempt on Oltravar who seemed to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and I thought back to my own youth.
My memories of that time are of a sheer horror, where you had to be aware and your belongings protected at all times. Then I wandered and I thought surely it was not so bad, after all I only remember one instance that had me shaken up real bad. So I went back into my archives and dug out evidence from my early years.
Incident 1 - Thakria Town Council halls.
Present - Wotan, Predator is here. Mistress Kiarn, Wicked Witch is here. Wild Taen, Witch of Thakria is here. Storm Lord Jhor, Rider of the Tempest is here. Singing Scar, Deadly Vocalist is here. Madame Kirynia, The Flighty is here. Sir Rahvin of Thakria is here. Sorcerer Syl, the Black Aura is here. You see, in your mind, Fatal Babidi shrouded in a cloak of invisibility. Karah the Persuader is here. Zerina the Irresistible is here. Defender Ananta, Rooting Slowly But Surely is here. Squire Uriens of T
hakria is here. Incyneryte, Warlock of the Thakrian Seas is here. Seer Llavendar is here.
Led By Jhor this was a concerted attempt by the whole team to relieve me of my possessions. I was held at least 20 minutes whilst the Thakrians made concerted attempts to compulse me to remove things. I had no suicide and was forced to be present the whole time. Fortunately the Thakrian incompentance (I was held dazzled the whole time) meant that I lost few possessions but this is the occassion that stuck with me the longest.
Incident 2 - Threap
During my youth I knew to respect my elders and had never dared to speak a word to Threap and yet I was constantly targetted. I had a whole set of alias which locked me up tight - put potion in pack xx, put sword in pack, tie pack, I had remove wear triggers we spent our time working out defences toprotect our things. In this session after a death it turned into a stripping session.
Tactics he used... Infamous Threap spits a vaxvarna leaf at you. You are ordered to \"remove sack\". You are ordered to \"put sack on unicorn15745. Infamous Threap strikes you a sudden blow to the solar plexus. You are ordered to \"give potion to threap \". I was left with no potions.
Incident 3 - Kodiak & Plaman
This was a two person attack. Kodiak summoned me and smelted the runes i held and wore and smashed the potions i held. Plaman slit my pack to spill its contents and used vaxvarna to have me drop stuff.
Incident 4 - Tukar & Diocletian
Tukar was very much one of the banes of my youth. On this occasion Tukar and Diocletian worked together only being interrupted by Sturm the Sorcerer who saw me and took a cheap kill.
Written by my hand on the 6th of Springflower, in the year 1185.