Concerning your recent posts.

Loremaster Anicetusto Viktar, Apprentice of Alchemy


You're quite outspoken for someone so young. While I feel that the whole ordeal is quite a waste of space and time, I do applaud you and those like you for it. Instead of playing it safe and keeping your head down so as to gain the maximum benefit of your time in safety, you grunt out like an injured deer in the forest, leading the wolves straight to you. Very brave of you.

To address your confusion on why everyone keeps mentioning you not dying, even when you said nothing of it in your original post: People are trying to tell you that for the very fact that you did not die, did not lose any possessions (to include herbs which were provided by Fistandantilus), and, up until the point you started slinging insults, were really not on anyones radar, that you should have chalked the whole ordeal up to good experience, learned, and left it alone. Of course, and I'll use the wo

rd that you seem to be so fond of, this point is now moot, as there's already a good bit of turmoil that cannot be undone.

It takes a truly tremendous ego to believe that one of Alisters size would bother trying to get at you through Fistandantilus. I'm sure members of other communities will say that people such as myself were not targeted by them in my youth because they respect the rules and simply are not as malicious as Thakrians. Which for many of them I'm sure it is true, just as those reasons are the same that many Thakrians claim as their own. But I think an overarching reality is that I, just like you, was too sma

ll to even bother with. Every large fighter knows that when a single slash of the sword, application of poison, or bolt of lightning from the fingertips could smite any one of the young, the benefit just does not outweigh the trouble that it causes. Besides that, even for a sadist it wouldn't be all that terribly entertaining if all you'd do is die instantly.

As for your response to the statement made by Alister concerning your LW status, you'll notice that he said as far as he is concerned. He made no decree that it was forfeit as far as the whole of Avalon was concerned. Just in case you're still in a fog of confusion, that means that he may or may not decide to end your life now, regardless of what consequences might befall him for doing so. I'm sure you'll find that he'll be one of the only to make such a statement to you, as he was the one you slighted

Were I you, I would perhaps let this boil run down to a simmer, and then allow the waters to once again form a smooth, calm surface. Grow, learn, and then when you are strong enough, old enough, and wise enough, take your challenges to him. But I am also not strong enough, old enough, or wise enough, so take all my advice for the grain of sand that it is.


Written by my hand on the 5th of Cloudburst, in the year 1185.