LW status.

Killinan, if you seek sympathy and protection that might be due to one so young facing people much larger than them, you might want to reconsider your behaviour.

Constantly involving yourself in fights is not something you should be doing if you want to be left alone like other LWs.

I'm sure you want to defend your city but since you and your city are constantly harping on about how small and defenseless you are, I wonder how much help you really think you are giving? I know watching your elders and barons being slaughtered on a regular basis may upset you, but never fear, in time you will grow into the role and can be slaughtered regularly too. Until then, stop interfering in fights.

All this posting and whining and shouting about it isn't helping too. When you start JJing someone, you must expect a response. You lying on the public BB about \"never fighting outside Springdale\" doesn't help either.

Tell your fellow citizens that you pick all the fights you get into. That's what you do when you throw your swords around during team fights, it's what you do when you post rubbish on the fighters board or the public board, it's what you do when you shout insults at an enemy city.

In short, whenever I've seen you die, you've had it coming to you. I am pretty assiduous about not bothering the young, but you've gone well beyond the point where you should expect the kind of coddling and protection we allow the other young of the land.

However, because of your size, you have an opportunity to reverse this sudden decline in your quality of life.

If you stop interfering in fights between bigger people (where you make little contribution anyway); if you stop getting involved in the mud-slinging and insult-throwing; if you stop complaining on the BB and to your citymates every time you die for your foolishness, we can stop this now.

Go away, fight your peers, learn a bit and grow. We can meet again on the battlefield in a couple of years time and perhaps you can stop embarrassing your city and guild by your constant ineptitude, many deaths, and incessant whining.

Circe, Witch-Queen

Written by my hand on the 8th of Cloudburst, in the year 1183.