
Eisenherz Meerkat, die Schwartztraumeto Everyone

Perhaps you might want to set your facts straight, since you've either a) been absent, or b) not been around except to listen to the impotent and defeated whines emanating from the collection of stockrooms and temples you cesspool dwellers like to think of as \"a functioning and thriving city\".

Denzeldash and I are _nothing_ alike. I don't throw myself headlong into losing battles when there is no objective to be won by doing so. I freely admit that I have no heart or soul. So why even bother trying to insult me by telling the land something that I announce on a regular basis? Every time one of your stockbunnies crawls out of his/her little hidey hole out from under the aegis of the god of life, they get to sup with the angel of death. And I endeavour to provide them with accommodations for t

he trip.

As far as my being bad for Avalon is concerned, perhaps you should ask Swain just exactly _why_ he chose not to stay past his novice introductory period. Or you should speak to your own citymates who brag endlessly about \"breaking their opponents spirits\" while in the very next breath complaining about the \"win at all costs\" mentality. You claim to be enlightened, well, seeker! Know thyself!

Getting easy kills? Perhaps if your \"city's\" (and I use that term _very_ loosely) leadership would teach your youth anything other than the immediate gratification of posting long-winded poorly formatted public bulletin board posts including the details of their entire lives' histories, then I wouldn't get quite so many easy kills, now would I? And adding insult to injury, where do all these claims of my being a \"stockbunny\" or \"temple-dweller\" come from? I spend 99% of my time in the land outside my t

emple, breathing fresh air not leaked in to my location through the keyhole on a locked stockroom door. Had you actually bothered to ask anyone who is capable of anything other than the cesspoolian hive mind-think, then perhaps you would know this. Instead of projecting your own city's faults onto me, simply because I provide a somewhat easy target for you to hit with your slanderous (and soon to be posthumous) farcical nonsense.

You think I'm pathetic? That _might_ sting, if I had any care as to your hive mind's opinion of me. But I find it a laughable thrust at best, and just more evidence of your city's common impotence and inability to fight their battles anywhere beyond the pages of this bulletin board or other forums for their incessant and empty whines.

How _dare_ you bring the gods into this. If for nothing else, that alone would land you squarely in my sights. Enjoy your ship rides, and prepare a pack for a long journey through the land of the un-living while you sail through it discussing your petty little second and third-hand moans with the angel of death. Because I will come to you, if I ever catch you out from under the protection of the gods (either their temple _or_ their divine protection granted to you after each cruise on the ship) or your

cozy little love nest... errrr, stockroom. Fair warning.

Written by my hand on the 10th of Leaflost, in the year 1176.