
You talk trash, you whine, you pose and posture.

I know Denzeldash personaly and have known you peronaly I can say that you and him are not so different except for this.

He will fight for his friends and his city even after defeat is inevitable. I've caught 3 spelling errors and multiple syntax and didactic errors in your posts. Now, While mine arn't perfect at least I don't go posturing on their crystalin perfection.

You have no sould. sorry, soul. you have no spirit and no heart. This is the problem with thakria and yes avalon as a whole. People lack heart. I'd rather have a man wear his on his sleeve then show it to the world. than. a man who lies and gets easy kills, this is not i think evil. but pathetic .

You Meerkat have always been a coward. you are a coward, your plees to babidi your plees to threap and to dunccan. You are pathetic and the only thing I am sad for is that you are a prime example of what thakria is turning. has turned into. Where is the lords of Darkness where are the Lords and Ladies of vengeance and Fate. Where is the evil, gone, gone to a stockroom and a temple. If you are to recapture the Thakrian reputation you must do this.

Fight often fight hard

To recapture any semblance of greatness you must act great, not talk it.

Written by my hand on the 30th of Hindyear, in the year 1176.