current posting.

Il-Fedaykin Dunccan, The High-Priest of Justiceto Everyone

Since you obviously arn't good enough to understand the difference between me and maleki I will not post a knight.

Sorc, who?

Mage, Aerian.

LM- Zenichiro-he dies more but wins without resorting to antics.

Thief- Since Shakal has been on the last 3 days. him.

Seers- No competant seers in avalon at the moment.

Ranger- People, wakeup, really, Sajora. period.

Bard- Aint no bards in avalon but Camaris and even if there were, he'd still be the best.

Animist- Maud. (shipped zeni tons!)

Written by my hand on the 25th of Cloudburst, in the year 1154.