You have the gall to call ME insanse?.

Il-Fedaykin Dunccan, The High-Priest of Justiceto Everyone

Alrighty Saw narissa around the land today, she was getting slaughtered by kodiak, I thought to help her as kodiak is the meaner of the two, though I must say I've never seen him steal then ransom a baby.

Later she's in parrius so i go kill her, ship her, she then tells me she's on Javalon, and the conversation went something like this

Narissa \"Come on! Strip me! I know that is all you want to do, kill me! Kodiak was better he at least let me sip potion before he shipped me!

mount unicorn4094

mj e \"Whatever Narissa, now that Koenen and Orinoko(I thought Genesis mandated only parrians could be necromancers) are not parrian anymore there is no need for the war, I've never really enjoyed killing you unless it was with Krill... Wouldn't you know it? she attacked me again. Then she died and I raised her.

Mj e is me. sorry.

Narissa \"You know you want to. comeon! Kill me again, you have me like this now. Do it! Kill me, Kill my eagle! team me outside the pool! Kill it! (I sear i'm trying hard not to but I can't help put Arnold Schwartzeneger's accent there).

mount unicorn4094

mj e \"Narissa go away i don't want to kill you anymore. so after uselessly trying to kill me with poisonless jabs and trying to choke me with holdbreath up, she left to go die to Denzeldash.


Again sorry for parsing i thought I turned it off.

Either way, even though I obviously can't post, I think narissa can show even my dear father (Kes) a thing or two about insanity.

Take a breather rissa you realllly need to.

Written by my hand on the 19th of Springflower, in the year 1153.