warlocks kinky tea parties.

My dearest Narissa,

We had in fact been coming to rescue your shy and retiring self from whatever horrors your now obviously consenting bed partners had planned for you!

Upon first inspection of the scene though you must admit that with both jarlaxle and the strangely quiet angel of death sat hand in hand watching from the wings,we sort nothing but to come to your aid and further increase Parrian and Springdale peace process.

We only reacted to strangeness we saw, However i was never one to judge another on there sexual wants and needs.

I must now offer my humblest apologies to all involved and further state my gratefulness at you keeping such \"intimate\" actions from public view and in the only city probably to allow such antics.

Again, My apologies


Written by my hand on the 7th of Midsummer, in the year 1152.