Your rune-bug picks up words an enormous black bear says, 'This'll be the first time.'
Your rune-bug picks up words an enormous black bear says, 'That ive shipped in the last 2 years.'
The ghost of an enormous black bear walks blankly across the gangplank onto the glowing vessel of the Dead.
This post is primarily to YOU... the little players in Avalon who get your ass kicked most nights by the big players. Now my nemesis has always been Artecspirit since I was tiny, he would kill me nick a few things sometimes give them back sometimes not. Now in terms of his actions I have no problem with this but it has evoked a hatred inside for the bear Artecspirit.
I have hoped and prayed to Xanthe for vengeance to be wrought upon my wrongers, and tonight I was rewarded. Whilst on a peaceful bashing spree in Kenkria with a select party of thakrians we were set upon by Gayle, Fauroniala(?), Magnum, StrongBow and Artecspirit. And a part of the result you see posted above. I admit no great portion of this being down to me as I was a mere bystander however the simple act of witnessing my nemesis 'Getting His' was greatly satisfying.
So In conclusion to all you Avalonians out there striving to become better, to get somewhere and one day see the Artecspirit's of this land 'Get Theirs' have faith in vengeance and believe it can happen, one day you will smile like I have tonight!!!
Broadly Smiling Sowenna the Happiest Man in Avalon
PS Artecspirit I did mean it when I asked if the fact you'd done me loads before would count against what you were going to do to me after this, and hope you know this post is not aimed at you but all the Nemesis's in Avalon!
Written by my hand on the 23rd of Hindyear, in the year 1149.