
Ah the confusion! Frank, I have never, and I repeat never, attacked you

while you were in a challenge. I have, on two occasions, observed your fight

with another. On one of those challenges, I asked the other fighter if they

wanted me to join, which they refused and I respected. My purpose in being

in the vicinity of the challenge is the same as yours - as soon as it is over

you are fair game, if you live. As to your statement that I claim you

involved yourself in a challenge - it is very curious, for I have never

mentioned your name in any of my posts. At any rate, I have not accused you

of this, merely pointed out that Sir Julian was jumped while in challenge, and

directed this board's long-suffering readers to his post for the names of

those invloved.

I have said what I needed to say on the subject, and have heard good arguments

against interfering in challenges. I will continueto be a bother to you and

may decide at any time to join in whatever mischief you have created.

Written by my hand on the 21st of Skyelong, in the year 981.