Blackroot removes one bond per apply and I daresay was created for just such a purpose as part of it's detrimental effects to spiritual empathy. We would all like things changed for us in Avalon that would best suit our purpose but unfourtunately it doesn't work like that. You chose the seer profession knowing full well it's limitations and it's potential for great power and personal freedom. You accepted this and finished apprenticeship. Funny now that you have discovered there to be great imbalances
in the way people respond to your \"bonding\" of them and seek to have this changed.
Firstly, this is a fighters forum for people to brag or bray as the case may be. It is not to bring your whinging gripes to the attention of a deity who may happen to chance upon your piffling scribbles and decide to take action. If you have concerns over skill imbalance then bugfile them and let the powers that be investigate and eradicate any errors. They will most likely place them all in the vast resource that is the \"Abydos whine store\" where sit many reams and reams of petitions of various kinds
that detail how each and every guild that you are not currently in holds a serious advantage of the guild that you are currently in.
Your entire time here is spent either weeping to friends about the great Avalonian injustices or weeping on here about the great Avalonian injustices. Frankly these are all symptoms of your peculiar disease of which there is no name or apparent cure but I wish you a full and happy life all the same.
Hanann, if you ever raised an objective point on any forum that does not contain some hideous bias towards your friends or your city I will personally give you 1000 coin. Posting here , as I already stated, is for nonsense and knavery. Your particular brand of obsequious fiction is most unwarranted and makes for very sickly reading.
Written by my hand on the 29th of Eleuthral, in the year 1146.