Seeing as how you pride yourself on being judge and jury in Avalon, a rank that was stripped of you from what i can only presume to be lack of anything approaching rationality, It is strange that your judgement errs so much. Nowhere in my post did I advocate the punishment of Ranger Pahn.
Your comments are absolutely unwarranted and whats more rather assinine. Re-read my post, see how it is made up of a series of facts or retellings of factual accounts and histories, Re-read yours and see that it is full of half baked opinions of a man known amongst the general populace as a ninny. I do not need to justify my physical prowess, it is well marked. I have not been wielding the blades as long as you nor have I certain advantages that you currently have in terms of skills and allies. Though
it can be accurately said that I am not useless, having held my own against you in many battles and in a slender, but growing, number emerged the victor.
Cavalier history is another thing. Something that despite relentless attempts you will never be a part of. Yes indeed it is hard to aspire to the great cavaliers of legend that were and still are famed -Lancelot,Arthor,Kylan and Yossarian to name but a few. Men and Women you yourself have a long way to go to better.
Written by my hand on the 22nd of Springflower, in the year 1139.