
Brazen Hussy Narissa, Loves Being Jumpedto Everyone

Why am I not shocked that Dunccan's post bears no relevence to his subject line?

I won't attempt to break down the logic (or lack of) in his post, though I will ask what ability he refers to when he says \"my knight ability to wake up fast. \" As far as I'm aware (it's been several months since I was a knight) consciousness is still in the knight skillset (and is a general skill as well...?). I think perhaps it doesn't work for you because it is a trade off for adrenalin, though, being without the skill myself I can't test it to be certain.

Also, having tested with some friendly knights, autowake and consciousness in tandem or alone produce different outcomes, so, again, I'm not sure if this is a matter of one skill being overpowered, or more likely another being unexplored and misused.

Also, let me point out that mandrake itself is not a skill, but a poison. Picking it is a skill that thieves and rangers share, but enough people appear willing to sell it that its use is not exclusive to the professions who obtain it - tailoring this argument about mandrake simply to its uses by thieves appears a bit narrow-sighted.

Written by my hand on the 5th of Agamnion, in the year 1136.