
Little Kitten Narissa, The Cat Burglerto Dunccan

If you dislike the \"treatment\" of your youth, consider the tasks you have given them. Eloire's guild has told her to learn her far-attack skills, and to use them in a stone war. There is a reason that skillset tends to be learned near to last by seers. There is a reason I told Eloire to not neglect her generals. She has high guild skills, with little experience, or general skills to support them. She does not have skills well suited to defence or melee fighting, but for stone work - she has skills that

suit the prophets need for stone war. It's rather similar to the wizards training every single apprentice to get GM rituals first, so they can then sketch for double rituals for the larger players.

Springdale - look what you are doing to your littles. You are forcing them down pathways DETRIMENTAL to their development in land, simply to achieve your goals and ease your fight. Yes, I would have liked the Parrian LW Jin to have cleave, so he could be a menace in a team fight, but roll and fullparry are MUCH too important to neglect!

Be aware of what you are doing when you accuse Parrians of treating your youth so sadistically. You have trained them and forced them into this role that demands attack by Parrians. We cannot let Springdale gain stone influence, simply because Eloire is new to the game. You have placed her in the role of a large, old player. We must respond.

With that said, I think both sides have been excessive. Putting someone to sleep stops stonework just as easily as death, plus it's much easier on the bloodlust. Thrustkicking, pushing or icewalling a smaller player out of a fight stops them from interfering. Killing someone isn't the only option.

Written by my hand on the 25th of Hindyear, in the year 1134.