Would you like to take another toke of Furglewort before you post?.

Belgadeth, the Shadowto Dunccan

First off, I do not sadisticly hunt Eloire. I can count the number of times I have killed her recently on one hand, that's 5 times or less, Dunccan.

In fact I have killed you, albeit with aid from others, more than I have killed her recently.

Next, I am sure Koenen has a reason to attack her, I myself have heard rumors of her intentions towards our Parrian seeing stones. Blotto is barely even active, yet she sadisticly hunts Eloire? Give me a break.

As far as the tells I quoted, in my original post. Those are word for word what you told me, directly after I killed Eloire. At least now I have documented proof that you are a bold faced liar. That was the whole reason I posted so quickly after I received those tells, so I could get them here, before my screen scrolled off (Sorry for the ooc).

You already team me, jump me, and try to strip me anyway, what else is there that you can do to me? prod me with a sharp stick?

Written by my hand on the 25th of Hindyear, in the year 1134.