You really do believe your own silliness, don't you. I think you must make these things up in your own mind, to justify your own existence.
I was never stripped by Babidi. He tried on several occasions to relieve me of my belongings, but never succeeded. If you go back far enough you'll even find a post by Babidi on this very board commending me for being so well protected.
Indeed, when I was very young, you helped me, but I have a news flash for you. I was there for you as well. It was when I became strong enough to stand on my own two feet against the Zenichiro's of the world, and you (the now High Priest of Justice) would beg me to go team them with you, claiming that they deserved it, that I began to distance myself from you.
You attempt to claim superiority over anyone. I await the day that Iceman and others like him realize that you're out of your mind.
Doesn't it tell you something, when Esprii, Joely (who was also nuts), Alenya, and others start leaving your side, that perhaps the issue is not with them, it's with you?
Get a grip.
Battlemage Fistandantilus
Written by my hand on the 23rd of Eleuthral, in the year 1132.