Staves again.

Infamous Threap, Darkness Unleashedto Everyone

I think the complaints about staves are indeed 2 fold:- 1 seems to be the pushing skill

1 seems to be the pushing skill, proteus's posted prompted me to think maybe a defence agaist push, somthing like smoothering yourself with oil prevents you being pushed for 30 seconds. however I still think the best way to fix push is not to put a right hand balance on it, but if you try and push more than once in 2 seconds you get a message like your arms are too tired to push again just yet and obviously the push doesnt work

2 the other seems to be the number of staves lms can errect, staves serve 2 purposes 1 is city defence and the other is for a loremaster to use in fights. My idea for a solution to this is as follows,

Allow the loremaster two 2 types of staves 1 city stave and a personal. The city stave will work of the city enemies list and a personal will work of a personal enemy list.

A city stave will have reduced damage say half of the current damage and if someone dies to a city stave the kill goes to misadventure, and obviously a city stave can only be erected in a city location.

There should be a limit of some sort put on personal staves, one idea is a mana drain per stave or a limit of 3. I also think personal staves should not hit people when the LM is DP PW or offline


Written by my hand on the 6th of Agamnion, in the year 1130.