Debate on the Figthers BB?.

The consensus could be that you are looking for justice, honour and fairness in the land, therfore clearly misguided. Secondly, and more interestingly, you seem to be expecting Seers to not only fight but also hold themselves to the same standards of Knights, the same code of conduct.

Now, given the state of the Knight profession at the moment that really isn't too much to ask for, but still at it heart the concept is invalid. This is not a game with rules, this is a world with a great deal of variety and diversity, to expect people in this world to abide by the same ideals is not only unrealistic but ultimately to it's detriment.

It is understandable that we expect honour and justice from the knights, it is not something you expect from Sorcerers, Seers or even Bandits. And I know, that's not fair however if you are looking for a fair game I recommend you try the old men playing chess in Hellespont Square.

Written by my hand on the 1st of Mournsend, in the year 1129.