First of all, you pea-brained little shoe-polisher, I never said you -earned- your deaths for being Thakrian, nor that you even -deserved- the deaths just for being thakrian, I said your fellow Thakrians decided your fate (and others like you) by dest
roying ME on a regular basis, even when I was your size (and smaller) and stood no chance, nor posed a threat.
Secondly, you self-contradicting ignorant monkey-spunk, Arturo is AT LEAST double my size, he's not anywhere near \"my size\". And I TOLD you long before he showed up that I had to go at 9:00 My time, and I stayed and FOUGHT Arturo (Despite his obvious
ly greater experience, superior ability, and the fact that he's larger than me) until PAST 9:00 my time, and finally was forced to leave.
Lastly, don't bother posting to me here, because I don't read the fighter's board. The only reason I knew about this post was because somebody else had mentioned it to me. If you want to say something to me, send me a tell, a message, or post it on
another board.
Thakrian-forged hate machine Valek Ra, Whether a good fighter or not.
Written by my hand on the 10th of Skyelong, in the year 1113.