I am becoming well accustomed to your inevitable jumping of me. And i will admit that it has begun to annoy me.
However what has been tiresome right from the outset is your constant preaching. If you are to keep jumping and killing someone at least 3 (most likely 4) times less your size, then please do so in silence, i can take the deaths but not the ear-bashin
But do not talk to me of how I have earnt it by being Thakrian and of sob stories about how they used to 'rape' you. I don't want to hear it.
Now I would like to preach to you, just once, I feel i've earnt it. When i asked you why you don't fight people your own size you said \"There is never any on. \" Yet when Arturo logged on and killed you four times you QQ'd like the sadist you are. Not o
nce in all the times you killed me have i done this.
So heres my advice to you. Continue to kill me if you will, however when one of my guildmates comes for vengeance stand and fight, don't run like the cretinous miscreant you seem to be.
Tomas Tromlui, there can be only one.
Written by my hand on the 22nd of Paglost, in the year 1113.