There is always another side to the story.

While I applaud your effort to draw attention to any individual who does not respond to the gauntlet being thrown, your choice in points to be argued should be backed by more factual knowledge.

It was I who quested the Divine Gem that Edgtho holds, and though there were multiple parts to the quest, it was his excellence in the second stage - the immortal combat - that separated him above the other contenders.

As I'm sure you are aware, upon assuming an immportal persona, the combat pits competitors with identical skills, preparation, healing, and functionality. 'Triggers' are all but useless, and though not perfect - the competition is at least one indica

tor of ability to survive within the land.

Though his choice to duck this, or any, fight DOES seem suspect, perhaps by getting all of Avalon clucking thusly he has achieved more than he could by responding to such a challenge.

Perhaps before ANY of you issue these all-too-common challenges and then continually bark about lack of responses, you'd do well to consider that on the other side is an individual (whether coward or gem) who is enjoying their name in lights, generall

y at your expense.

Written by my hand on the 1st of Midsummer, in the year 1103.