I beg to differ. In the past I've offered three and ffour members of your city duels at once, and they've all refused. In fact, I started doing this to near everyone in your city, in the hopes that maybe they'd see that they were being offered a team
fight and might ACTUALLY accept.
of course, they never do. Granted, today Solan, Tleilaxu and yourself all accepted challenges from me(and each died, I might add)
However, since I was a tiny fighter, I've offered a steady stream of challenges to Drasnia, Yairi, Amadeus, and their ilk, and am STILL waiting for an acceptance.
I think there are 2 or 3 members of your city who would not refuse a 'good fight' as you say, or a 'challenge' as I call it. From watching your cities conduct over the past few days, in fact, I would say this 'good fight' you refer to is simple 3 and
4 on 1 teaming.
Oh, and Plaman? Treetops and Sewers are skills yes, but sitting in them is still just as pathetic as sitting in a stock room. I don't care that they're your own skills. You're the one who tried to convince me I was a bad fighter because I created a zo
ne of rituals and sat in them. Fancy that.
I get damn annoyed that all of avalon uses the charming skillsets, but doesn't mean much. <adopting a Plaman-esque tone> \"All of you out there who use chraming on items, you're crap. Those are skills to be earned!! \"
Gimme a friggin break.
Fistandantilus, Prince of Mercinae
Written by my hand on the 4th of Skyelong, in the year 1078.