You obviously didn't know me as a Seer.

Maiyato Mage Meerkat, Mercinae's Ladies Man

I will save you the trouble now of letting you know that you will never kill

me again. In teams or by yourself, which accounts for any of your

'i killed you more than you killed me' garbage.

You never had bragging rights Meerkat. And everything you have said is

false. I would never die to a mage who didn't have rituals up. You never

ran out of denallo either. I didn't even use lethal poisons. And you never

ran out of health potion because I touched you after every attack and every time

you sipped a potion and believe me, it was ascending 500 health each time.

The only reason I could not 'grasp' the skills of the ranger is because every

other profession out there that is working against us has them all.

I do not need to be bothered with such hassles. Some may enjoy making their

lives difficult. You taught me no lessons. You only stirred greater anger

within me that I've already had for you. If you do not challenge me when I

ask you of one, I will destroy you, Meerkat. You understand those words?

Because mine aren't empty either.

You will experience the full power of the stars now and no one can help you.

Written by my hand on the 4th of Leaflost, in the year 1066.