Gee, thanks.

Mage Meerkat, Mercinae's Ladies Manto Maiya

A hint of sportsmanship... hrmmm... Hence the reason you switched to a seer profession again, so that you could bond/run, bond/run, bond/run, eh?

That's neither here nor there... In my previous lifetime, I was never a mage. And it's STILL pretty sad when a one week old LW mage with no rits can fight you to a standstill when you jump. Yeah, I did die. Ran outta denallo... *shrug* shit happens.

Point being, I still killed you, three times, twice without rits even, and one of the times I had no health potion OR rits... Face it. You suck. Go PW, it's easier on you than staying DP all the time.

Either that, or you can take your whipping like the lesson it was. I stopped talking shit on this board, until I had the bragging rights. Regardless of whether or not you killed me in the end, that doesn't matter. You've died more to me than I have t

o you. Considering that I'm only 1/5th your size, I'd say that's proof that my words aren't empty.

'nuff said.


Written by my hand on the 28th of Hindyear, in the year 1066.