Things that don't add up.

Exquisite Imladristo Everyone

While we are on the subject of things that don't add up, I would like to again express my opinion about the skillset of the Mage profession. I do this not to complain personally about anyone having an advantage over me, but rather to point out the fac

t that the Mage skillset of Charming seems to be a wasted \"slot\" for us. When anyone in Avalon, regardless of experience level or professional affiliation can easily use our Ultimate level spell of traversal by pointing a charged item, what is the adv

antage to the Mage of being able to attain the ultimate level of this skill?

We share the skillset of Charming with both Seers and Sorcerers. Seers and Sorcerers also share the skill of Stealth with Thieves. Charming, as I see it, could be compared in this way to Stealth. Although some professions are able to do a little Steal

th, ONLY thieves are able to learn the ultimate level of this skill. Therefore, it does offer some advantage to the thief to pursue the skill of Stealth. Not so with Charming. Since anyone who owns an item can use charming spells, I feel that ANY of t

he professions that have a slot taken up with Charming have a wasted skill slot. Why even spend lessons on this?

The degree of it \"not adding up\" is, to me, worse for Mages than for other professions due to the fact that we have an ULTIMATE level slot taken up with this skill, while the other professions are still able to attain the ultimate level of skills that

are unique to their own profession.

If, say, a newbie thief is able to purchase and use my ultimate level skill of traversal, why can't a newbie mage simply don a cat costume and vanish from the who list? If things did \"add up\" between all the skills, it seems that this would be the cas


I really feel that most people, when choosing a profession, are turned off by the skillset of the Mage for this very reason. If they choose another profession they will be able to excel in all of the skills offered by that profession PLUS still be abl

e to use the ultimate level skill of Charming. If they choose magery, they forfeit a skillset basically. Even though a prospective player might be interested in being a mage, I feel that the redundancy of this whole skillset for Mages decreases the a

ttractiveness of our profession in comparison with others.

Respectfully, Imladris

Written by my hand on the 13th of Midsummer, in the year 1059.