Quote \"just forgot something\"
Quote \"Need a new pent item\"
Both from the log of you running back to thakria twice having floated through my staves.
I did speak to tetsuo, right after you rather strangely and generously gave him a new sword to replace the one you didn't shatter in the challenge.
Strange how someone of your experience didn't know that rubbing kly on a sword meant the kly never comes off.
I'm sure you also didn't know that you can attach tracker runes to poisons such as kly.
Strange how someone of your experience didn't know that rubbing kly on a sword meant the kly never comes off.
Pity the sword was immediately washed eh ?
I've seen a lot of sad things in my life sunshine.
You take the biscuit though. A year ago you followed Jhor religously , six months ago you were plaman's faithful footman. Now we have classic quotes such as \"Yairi, babidi has told me to become a seer, what do you think ? \"
You're nothing more than a very lame, bandwagon jumping, ass kisser
Have a nice day
Written by my hand on the 17th of Mournsend, in the year 1049.