
Creal, Six-Gun Banditto Everyone

While Threap was a SD'lian he was nothing but hard working, helpful and

damn, he was even friendly. Ive improved my fighting prowess quite a bit

through his advice, and it was rather nice to see the whole 'City of Miracles'

hiding in storerooms just because he happened to be logged in.

In point of fact, I doubt even Threap could honestly say that he returned

to his 'home.' I think he made a logical choice in pursuit of power, and

well, I remember him being a better Sorc than he was a Paladin. Some

people just don't get trapped in meaningless quibbles as much as others.

I mean less face it, (apologies to the ladies) at the bottom of everything

its still a game of 'look how big my wanker is.'

Creal, Of the Large Package.

Written by my hand on the 10th of Cloudburst, in the year 1040.