
Dear Raphaim,

You still did not define exactly what role-playing is. I don't feel that PW are

better role players then fighters. Why isn't fighting considered roleplaying?

I don't also consider PW weak, just boring and one demensional. I can do everything

a PW can, plus a lot more, giving me more then that single demension of sitting around

making commodities and gabbing and creating mini-soap operas to fill my days.

I have always felt that PW is seriously abused by people jumping on and off

for silly reasons such as waiting til they get more skills (of which they never

have learned to use) or feel that they are too low on experience. I think that PW

should be respected and if a person wants to be a pacfist they should do it because

they abhor fighting, not because they are scared of dying.


P. S. Would someone please define role playing for me?

Written by my hand on the 15th of Mournsend, in the year 976.