
yes i have played rpg's and pk mud rpg's usually don't have player killing only 'mob' killing and pk muds are very macho affairs with no real role playing at all. i think they're silly. i think many of the fighters in avalon esspecially the better fi

ghters tend to see avalon as a pk mud and not really appreciate the marvel of avalon, which is the reason they tend to see pacifism as week and not as an integral part of the game. pacifists tend to be more role players and fighters tend to be more pk

mudders. i try to do both (though i aint so good at the pking stuff)

and that's what the raphaim has to say

p. s. i use to be a differant character in avalon and he was a totally differant character

Written by my hand on the 15th of Mournsend, in the year 976.