While many of you occasionally have valid points to make about inequities in skills, most of the comments people make are pure bullcrap and usually exhibit a lack of knowledge about options or even worse--are the most groundless arguments one can make
Case in point is Aias' last post where he lists cures as defences--if you have to cure it, that means you haven't learned to defend against it. There are plenty of ways to cure the effects of splashing, runestaves, and lightarc--so by Aias' logic, the
re is no problem with any of them.
People complain about splashing going through pentacles-well a seer standing where the loremaster is can curse right through the pent, a ranger can smokering through it, people can throw things at you through it. I guarantee--if someone next to the sp
lashing loremaster doing one of these things, you will be worrying about the loremaster last.
I have said it many times before--each guild is set up with its own strengths and weaknesses and it is your job to find each and exploit them. All things being equal--the mages are the best profession--throw a mage and a knight naked in a field. The m
age can use rituals, candesence, charming and pick herbs---the knight can use endurance.
Naked combat doesn't happen much outside of my domain (or the bedroom if you happen to like things real rough.) but it goes to show how self-sufficient mages are.
As much as I would like to tell you all to stop your incessant whining, there has to be some degree of freedom of speech because such silliness is within your mortal nature.
However, know that I tired greatly of it and that henceforth any demands that the gods fix things, either direct, thinly veiled commentary or bugs that demand \"how much longer is this going to go on\" or \"this can't be right\" will receive punishment.
If you can't be constructive, polite and actually argue apples to apples, don't bother posting. 90% of the \"how much longer\" and \"this can't be right\" comments actually are not bugs--case in point, the thing high level loremasters can do with anchor r
Even if they are bugs, that is not the correct tone to be taking.
Written by my hand on the 18th of Midsummer, in the year 1020.