Members of the Bandits Guild

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Anthrax, the UninvitedNo CitizenshipWraith
Packrat Asurmen, The Master HorderGaurthangWraith
Thexder, Mugger of Maeville LaneParriusXanthe
Mr SkavieParriusWraith
Jester Fortinbras, the HaphazardEleutheraAndromeda
Mobleous of the shadowsThakriaWraith
Kamikaze Kelthos, The Finger-SmithThakriaGenesis
Diabolical Ducelo Torinaiden, Goofy BrotherMercinaeWraith
Stone Cold Regor MortisParriusMaedhros
Ispla, The Grey WandererMercinaeMaedhros
Blackened Varin, the Merciless AssassinThakriaGenesis
Unholy, Terra VomicaThakriaProteus
Elsbeth, Queen of ShadowsSpringdaleAndromeda
Arkane, Senior DelinquentEleutheraAndromeda
Centurion, the X-File of SpringdaleSpringdaleAndromeda
Melancholy Raskolnikov, Nowhere ManThakriaGenesis
Norman the Grey WandererMercinaeAndromeda
Aide Zordox the Lost WandererGreeny's EdgeAndromeda
Saphire, the White RogueNo CitizenshipAndromeda
Assassin of Springdale Darkwrath, Shadowed DeathGreeny's EdgeXanthe
Shear, Invisible ThiefNo CitizenshipGenesis
Emperor Howie, The Village IdiotMercinaeWraith
Josael, La Petite MorteThakriaWraith
Mean Momma Jessie The MouthIsabellaWraith
Stitch, ShadowdreamGaurthangAndromeda
Suicidal OweneesParriusGenesis
Vimes, the YouthfulMercinaeMaedhros
Dasmensch, The CollectorMercinaeNo Order
Sava, The ImpThakriaNo Order
Jernau Morat GurgehParriusNo Order
MyronThakriaNo Order
JarlekParriusNo Order
MeriadocThakriaNo Order
Islandur the MouthThakriaNo Order
Insane ZaneSpringdaleNo Order
DallMercinaeNo Order
SantiagoCullodenNo Order
Johnii the RatEleutheraNo Order
Tea Leaf TeahThakriaNo Order
Vampyre, Thief of BloodThakriaNo Order
Sigbert die RaubritterThakriaNo Order
Prudence, Handmaiden of DeathThakriaNo Order
Arelion, the Crimson RogueMercinaeNo Order
The Grey MouserMercinaeNo Order
FerosIsabellaNo Order
Boowho, The King of BeggarsMercinaeNo Order
Badvok, the totally stonedThakriaNo Order
Dionysus, the Master RogueMercinaeNo Order
Should Aias be allowed?ParriusNo Order
Balron, the Footpad of FearThakriaNo Order
Rogue Calim of ThakriaThakriaNo Order
Quicksilver, Assassin of the NightMercinaeNo Order
Creal, Six-Gun BanditGaurthangNo Order
Sulin, The Aiel MaidenCullodenNo Order
Listige Adimane, de Dief en de SpionParriusNo Order
Soleus ShadowcrawlerMercinaeNo Order
Naktl, The Twilight EmissaryGreeny's EdgeNo Order
Just HammurabiKristanistiNo Order
OgedaiMercinaeNo Order
EtanThakriaNo Order
Makaio, The RaptureSpringdaleNo Order
Young FurtimCullodenNo Order
Frankenstein The Darkness LurkingThakriaNo Order
SnurtMercinaeNo Order
Marak Ranx, The PathfinderThakriaNo Order
XeridinThakriaNo Order
JurgenThakriaNo Order
Innocent Eowyn, the SkulkerThakriaNo Order
Anarion, Knife of WhispersParriusNo Order
SuperfurryGreeny's EdgeNo Order
Thea, Child of the NightNo CitizenshipNo Order
SyricMercinaeNo Order
Shady Faustus StrangefishNo CitizenshipNo Order
Algeron, Shadow StalkerMercinaeNo Order
Fireforge, the WandererNo CitizenshipNo Order
Crackhead Psy The NamelessThakriaNo Order
Aucassin Rhymes with MocassinParriusNo Order
Modus OperandiMercinaeNo Order
Ulraunt The QuickThakriaNo Order
La Bonita Trill, Blackwidow BanditMercinaeNo Order
AbigailThakriaNo Order
Playful Kylie, Purveyor of PoisonsThakriaNo Order
Elric, denizen of TartarusThakriaNo Order
Kantara, Thief of the TreesMercinaeNo Order
Devious, the Poison MasterThakriaNo Order