Citizen of Silverfalls | Alchemists Guild | No Order |
"Zillen" with birth certification: 22-2-2009.
Zillen hails from the city of Silverfalls.
Zillen is a member of the Alchemists Guild with Apprentice rank.
Zillen stands tall, slim and willowy with limbs like young trees reaching for
the forest canopy. He wears a cloak that shimmers like the grey leaves of the
twilight in breezy moonlit woodland. His leggings hardly reach below the
knees, his lower shanks and bare feet have a silvery lichen quality as though
stood for an age in a shaded nook. A gush of thick straw like hair spouts
from his head and is jumbled as a bramble bush growing through hawthorn.
Below is the glint of two steely grey eyes that scan the gloomm of the
forest undergrowth.
If you wish to know more about Zillen, type HISTORY ZILLEN to read his detailed character history. Check out LIFESTORY ZILLEN to read what ZILLEN has written of himself in his own words.