Citizen of Parrius | Oracles Guild | Deviantia in the Order of Cornelius |
"Zheredan Al'Nezraar" with birth certification: 4-11-2001.
Zheredan hails from the city of Parrius.
Zheredan is a member of the Astrologers Guild with Master rank.
In a tower overlooking the Eastern seas, he watches and waits. Zheredan, bastard offspring of a Parrian noble and fortune-teller from the South, found his innate talent for magic first drew him under the tutelage of the Mages of Mercinae. Only later, as time (or destiny if you will) drew him to head the Enchanters, did he begin to realise the truth. And tracing echoes amongst the catacombs and ruins of Gabbad at last he found it at the feet of Pangyron for in the presence of the great Astrologer he snared a memory of deeper older magics.
He had the status of Guild Elder stripped on 1st day of Eleuthral 1249, by decree of Cordon.
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