Citizen of Thakria | Loremasters Guild | No Order |
"Vyncent Of Thakria" with birth certification: 12-9-2018.
Vyncent hails from the city of Thakria.
Vyncent is a member of the Loremasters Guild with Apprentice rank.
Vyncent proclaims "I am home and I am ready to learn." These are his first words in Avalon as a Mercinaen of the Alchemists Guild on the 30th day of Paglost 1459 aDW.
He stands somewhere near six and a quarter feet tall with a thin yet wirery frame. He has long aubern hair tied back into a ponytail by a thin thong of leather. He has an angual face with Icy blue eyes, a thin upturned nose and thin lips that are surrounded by a nealy trimmed gotee.
Vyncent is known to be active in Avalon at this time.
If you wish to know more about Vyncent, type HISTORY VYNCENT to read his detailed character history. Check out LIFESTORY VYNCENT to read what VYNCENT has written of himself in his own words.