No Citizenship | Artisans Guild | Beloved follower in the Order of Genesis |
Verlaine Born: 19-2-2000
Verlaine is a citizen of Nowhere.
He is a member of the Artisans Guild.
On the 6th day of Leaflost 1012, he was initiated into the Rangers Guild (under the mastery of Ranger Pahn, the Fierce Grizzly Bear).
On the 13th day of Midwinter 1014, he completed apprenticeship in the Rangers guild and took the profession of the Ranger.
He was welcomed into the Order of Genesis on the 26th day of Ilmarael 1014.
He gains promotion to the order rank of a believer on the 19th day of Skyelong 1017.
He left the Rangers Guild on the 20th day of Eleuthral 1018.
On the 8th day of Cloudburst 1018, he was initiated into the Rangers Guild (under the mastery of Ranger Pahn, the Backstabber).
On the 12th day of Cloudburst 1018, he completed apprenticeship in the Rangers guild and took the profession of the Ranger.
He gains promotion to the order rank of a follower on the 5th day of Mournsend 1019.
He is demoted to the order rank of a believer on the 9th day of Midwinter 1021.
He renounced citizenship of Mercinae on the 25th day of Paglost 1021.
On the 21st day of Agamnion 1022, he accepted citizenship of Parrius.
He gains promotion to the order rank of a follower on the 7th day of Springflower 1024.
He was elected onto the council of Parrius on the 26th day of Skyelong 1024.
He left the Rangers Guild on the 4th day of Hindyear 1028.
He renounced citizenship of Parrius on the 4th day of Hindyear 1028.
On the 5th day of Hindyear 1028, he accepted citizenship of Springdale.
On the 5th day of Hindyear 1028, he was initiated into the Paladins Guild (under the mastery of Blueskull Serves It Up Cold).
On the 9th day of Hindyear 1028, he completed apprenticeship in the Paladins guild and took the profession of the Knight.
He left the Paladins Guild on the 20th day of Ilmarael 1040.
On the 20th day of Ilmarael 1040, he was initiated into the Prophets Guild (under the mastery of Springdalian Orinoko, the Renegade Womble).
On the 7th day of Leaflost 1040, he completed apprenticeship in the Prophets guild and took the profession of the Seer.
He renounced citizenship of Springtown on the 14th day of Skyelong 1042.
On the 14th day of Skyelong 1042, he accepted citizenship of Parrius.
He renounced citizenship of Parrius on the 14th day of Skyelong 1042.
He left the Prophets Guild on the 14th day of Skyelong 1042.
On the 14th day of Skyelong 1042, he accepted citizenship of Parrius.
On the 19th day of Skyelong 1042, he was initiated into the Astrologers Guild (under the mastery of Chaotic Cordon, The Cannibal).
He was ejected as a citizen of Parrius on the 1st day of Midsummer 1042.
He left the Astrologers Guild on the 12th day of Midsummer 1042.
On the 12th day of Midsummer 1042, he was initiated into the Prophets Guild (under the mastery of Orinoko, the Renegade Womble).
On the 16th day of Ilmarael 1042, he accepted citizenship of Springtown.
On the 20th day of Hindyear 1042, he completed apprenticeship in the Prophets guild and took the profession of the Seer.
He was awarded the status of guild elder on the 2nd day of Skyelong 1050.
He left the Prophets Guild on the 16th day of Agamnion 1059.
On the 16th day of Agamnion 1059, he was initiated into the Rangers Guild (under the mastery of Ragar, Claws of the Sea).
On the 24th day of Ilmarael 1080, he completed apprenticeship in the Rangers guild and took the profession of the Ranger.
He renounced citizenship of Springdale on the 30th day of Paglost 1094.
He left the Rangers Guild on the 30th day of Paglost 1094.
On the 30th day of Paglost 1094, he was initiated into the Bards Guild (under the mastery of Adamantium Karfredo, The Shining).
He did not complete apprenticeship in the Bards Guild and on the 28th day of Ilmarael 1100 renounced its skills and ways.
On the 11th day of Agamnion 1100, he accepted citizenship of Parrius.
On the 11th day of Agamnion 1100, he was initiated into the Warriors Guild (under the mastery of Blotto, the Red Tide).
On the 5th day of Springflower 1101, he completed apprenticeship in the Warriors guild and took the profession of the Knight.
He left the Warriors Guild on the 9th day of Paglost 1116.
On the 9th day of Paglost 1116, he was initiated into the Rangers Guild (under the mastery of Greystoke).
He did not complete apprenticeship in the Rangers Guild and on the 8th day of Cloudburst 1124 renounced its skills and ways.
On the 9th day of Cloudburst 1124, he was initiated into the Bards Guild (under the mastery of Gimpy Xerimor, There Ain't Nuttin' Harder).
He renounced citizenship of Parrius on the 21st day of Midwinter 1138.
On the 21st day of Midwinter 1138, he accepted citizenship of Springdale.
He did not complete apprenticeship in the Bards Guild and on the 9th day of Agamnion 1138 renounced its skills and ways.
On the 9th day of Agamnion 1138, he was initiated into the Paladins Guild (under the mastery of Finbar, Illuminati).
On the 10th day of Hindyear 1140, he completed apprenticeship in the Paladins guild and took the profession of the Knight.
He left the Paladins Guild on the 1st day of Ilmarael 1147.
He renounced citizenship of Springdale on the 1st day of Ilmarael 1147.
On the 22nd day of Mournsend 1148, he was initiated into the Rangers Guild (under the mastery of Sajora, Forever of the Dawn).
He did not complete apprenticeship in the Rangers Guild and on the 7th day of Skyelong 1161 renounced its skills and ways.
On the 9th day of Skyelong 1161, he was initiated into the Thieves Guild (under the mastery of Narissa).
He did not complete apprenticeship in the Thieves Guild and on the 3rd day of Leaflost 1208 renounced its skills and ways.
On the 3rd day of Leaflost 1208, he was initiated into the Artisans Guild (under the mastery of Sweet & Sexy Alexandra).