Citizen of Thakria | Warriors Guild | Flagellent in the Order of Xanthe |
Tahlveorn Born: 4-8-1998
Tahlveorn is a citizen of Thakria.
He is a member of the Warriors Guild.
He renounced citizenship of Parrius on the 12th day of Skyelong 976.
On the 12th day of Skyelong 976, he accepted citizenship of Mercinae.
On the 12th day of Skyelong 976, he was initiated into the Bards Guild (under the mastery of Culinane Uncle to Many, Father to None).
On the 17th day of Springflower 982, he completed apprenticeship in the Bards guild and took the profession of the Bard.
He was welcomed into the Order of Maedhros by Magdalene on the 23rd day of Midsummer 983.
He left the Bards Guild on the 8th day of Agamnion 1029.
On the 9th day of Agamnion 1029, he was initiated into the Knights Guild (under the mastery of Trell, Soulforger of Light).
On the 1st day of Ilmarael 1031, he completed apprenticeship in the Knights guild and took the profession of the Knight.
He left the Knights Guild on the 7th day of Mournsend 1061.
On the 7th day of Mournsend 1061, he was initiated into the Artisans Guild (under the mastery of Artisan Allanon, of Springdale).
On the 7th day of Mournsend 1061, he completed apprenticeship in the Artisans guild and took the profession of the Loremaster.
He left the Artisans Guild on the 22nd day of Hindyear 1097.
On the 23rd day of Hindyear 1097 he was cast out of the Order of Scholarly Magdalene.
He renounced citizenship of Mercinae on the 29th day of Eleuthral 1098.
On the 10th day of Hindyear 1098, he was initiated into the Animists Guild (under the mastery of Dr Dhonuill).
On the 1st day of Eleuthral 1101, he accepted citizenship of Parrius.
On the 11th day of Agamnion 1101, he completed apprenticeship in the Animists guild and took the profession of the Druid.
He renounced citizenship of Parrius on the 14th day of Mournsend 1173.
On the 26th day of Mournsend 1173, he accepted citizenship of Thakria.
On the 2nd day of Agamnion 1173, he was initiated into the Warriors Guild (under the mastery of Musty Maleki the Grizzled Hermit).
He was welcomed into the Order of Xanthe on the 4th day of Paglost 1178.
On the 14th day of Eleuthral 1180, he completed apprenticeship in the Warriors guild and took the profession of the Knight.