Citizen of Parrius | Thieves Guild | Senior priest in the Order of Andromeda |
"Venomous Solyst" with birth certification: 17-2-2013.
Solyst hails from the city of Parrius.
Solyst is a member of the Thieves Guild with Trustee rank.
He was welcomed into the Order of Andromeda on the 28th day of Ilmarael 1328.
He was awarded a prize for completion of his Thieves Guild badges by Godfather on the 4th day of Midwinter 1330.
He took the formal bondsman oath of the Thieves Guild and the Profession, before Tukar and witness, on the 30th day of Midsummer 1331 aDW.
On the 30th day of Midsummer 1331, he completed apprenticeship in the Thieves guild and took the profession of the Thief.
A moment's notice collects this of the man before you; Structurally, his skeleton is of average height with a slim and lean set of muscle wrapped to his person, built and suited for numerous gymnastic abilities. His skin is ghostly and pale with a minor tinge of translucency, telling of time much spent in a dimly lit setting.
He poses in a tilted manner, shoulders drooped, conveying a sense of solitude and conformity all except for his eyes, which are a piercing, unnatural grey color. Black, slightly spiraling strands of hair dangle from over the top of his head and tuck back on one side behind his ear down to about shoulder length, half-covering his facial hair which could barely be called shaven.
Embedded to his upper arm is a rather unappealing brand, a circle about 2 inches wide, with the mirrored emblem of a Swan in the center. An attempt has been made to rid his arm of it resulting in the scar only worsening.
Solyst is known to be active in Avalon at this time.
If you wish to know more about Solyst, type HISTORY SOLYST to read his detailed character history. Check out LIFESTORY SOLYST to read what SOLYST has written of himself in his own words.