Citizen of Parrius | Oracles Guild | No Order |
"Ramiel of Parrius" with birth certification: 20-9-2018.
Ramiel hails from the city of Parrius.
Ramiel is a member of the Astrologers Guild with Apprentice rank.
Ramiel proclaims "I have lost my way but I have not lost my will." These are her first words in Avalon as a Parrian of the Astrologers Guild on the 6th day of Eleuthral 1460 aDW.
Long flowing brown and maroon hair falling down below her small waist. Her face is dappled with freckles and dark eyelashes outline her almond-shaped light brown eyes. Her body didn't stand out much from anyone else's. Not many cu rves and somewhat on the short side. Her appearance seemed delicate if one were going to explain, yet a slightly unfriendly look came from her expressionless face, though she is the opposite.
Ramiel is known to be active in Avalon at this time.
If you wish to know more about Ramiel, type HISTORY RAMIEL to read her detailed character history. Check out LIFESTORY RAMIEL to read what RAMIEL has written of herself in her own words.