Citizen of Mercinae | Alchemists Guild | No Order |
Liara Born: 8-4-2004
Liara is a citizen of Mercinae.
She is a member of the Alchemists Guild.
She graduated from the city school on the 7th day of Skyelong 1112. Her results were: 11 and 14.
She renounced citizenship of Thakria on the 8th day of Skyelong 1112.
On the 8th day of Skyelong 1112, she accepted citizenship of Mercinae.
On the 23rd day of Midsummer 1112, she was initiated into the Alchemists Guild (under the mastery of Silver Hanann).
On the 14th day of Mournsend 1113, she completed apprenticeship in the Alchemists guild and took the profession of the Loremaster.
She was welcomed into the Order of Malhavok on the 30th day of Paglost 1115.
She gains promotion to the order rank of a believer on the 22nd day of Eleuthral 1118.
She won the election for Guildmaster of the Alchemists Guild, beating Hanann, on the 24th day of Skyelong 1121.
She was elected onto the council of Mercinae on the 10th day of Skyelong 1123.
On the 6th day of Ilmarael 1126, she accepted citizenship of Thakria.
She renounced citizenship of Thakria on the 6th day of Ilmarael 1126.
On the 7th day of Cloudburst 1127, she accepted citizenship of Thakria.
She left the Alchemists Guild on the 7th day of Cloudburst 1127.
On the 7th day of Cloudburst 1127, she was initiated into the Loremasters Guild (under the mastery of Loremaster Yairi).
She was ejected as a citizen of Thakria on the 16th day of Cloudburst 1127.
She was thrown out of Loremasters Guild by Zerina the Irresistible on the 27th day of Cloudburst 1127.
She was defeated by Strongbow in the election for Guildmaster of the Alchemists Guild on the 15th day of Paglost 1127.
On the 15th day of Springflower 1132, she was initiated into the Alchemists Guild (under the mastery of Silver Hanann).
On the 15th day of Springflower 1132, she accepted citizenship of Mercinae.
On the 5th day of Midsummer 1132, she completed apprenticeship in the Alchemists guild and took the profession of the Loremaster.
She was appointed as Guildmaster of the Alchemists Guild on the 5th day of Midsummer 1132.
She was elected onto the council of Mercinae on the 1st day of Springflower 1141.
On the 19th day of Paglost 1163 she denounced the patronage of Malhavok, the god of war.
She was welcomed into the Order of Apollo on the 19th day of Paglost 1163.
She was awarded the status of guild elder on the 20th day of Leaflost 1173.
She was defeated by Valari in the election for Guildmaster of the Alchemists Guild on the 25th day of Cloudburst 1177.