Citizen of Mercinae | Mages Guild | No Order |
"Apprentice Mage Kenai" with birth certification: 15-1-2011.
Kenai hails from the city of Mercinae.
Kenai is a member of the Mages Guild with Apprentice rank.
On the 22nd day of Mournsend 1277, he completed apprenticeship in the Animists guild and took the profession of the Druid.
The five symbolic bird-presentations of Honeybear, Pahn, Safovine, Krayia and Rynn bestowed Ornithology on him, on the 16th day of Springflower 1277.
On the 18th of Cloudburst 1283 his affinities with the forests of Avalon led to his acquisition of the deepest of natural empathies: Animism.
He was welcomed into the Order of Ashvani on the 18th day of Skyelong 1350.
Kenai proclaims "I'm fat and ready for action!." These are his first words in Avalon as a Mercinaen of the Mages Guild on the 14th day of Midwinter 1464 aDW.
Before you stands an enormously fat man. As you get closer to marvel at how a person could squeeze so many rolls of fat into so much armour, he waves a slice of cheesecake under your nose to ward you off.
Kenai is known to be active in Avalon at this time.
If you wish to know more about Kenai, type HISTORY KENAI to read his detailed character history. Check out LIFESTORY KENAI to read what KENAI has written of himself in his own words.