No Citizenship | Seers Guild | No Order |
"Guilend Voidwalker, Master Of Curses" with birth certification: 30-11-2016.
Guilend has no citizenship.
Guilend is a member of the Seers Guild with Guildsman rank.
Guilend was welcomed into the Order of Hyperion on the 8th day of Midsummer 1420.
He was awarded the status Elder of the Mystics Guild on the 19th day of Ilmarael 1436 by Savras, Wielder of the Stars.
On the 18th day of Midsummer 1437, on behalf of all the Avalon pantheon, Genesis bestowed the blessing of Specialist Knowledge of the Seer profession. This blessing will be retained until specialisation is attained or membership of the Mystics Guild is no more.
He made public denouncement of holy orders and cast aside patronage of Hyperion, the god of light on the 22nd day of Cloudburst 1446 aDW.
He took the formal bondsman oath of the Seers Guild and the Seer profession, before Maldor and witness, on the 10th day of Eleuthral 1447 aDW.
You see a medium sized man, but his face is darkened by the shadow of the hood on his cloak.
You can plainly see a scar on his right cheek, starting from his chin and ending somewhere past his hood, as if he'd been sliced by a sharp blade.
His blue eyes shine from beneath his hood, in the darkness. It+++s plain to see that this man has darkness within his soul.
If you wish to know more about Guilend, type HISTORY GUILEND to read his detailed character history. Check out LIFESTORY GUILEND to read what GUILEND has written of himself in his own words.