Bright, brilliant and fathomless in their complexity, the Stars have remained a constant in the lives of Man since the founding of the world. For aeons have they tended to the skies as the shepherds of an unyielding twilight; a stately canvas fretted with promise, mystery and untapped potential that has both tempted and thwarted mankind with its hints of possibility since first he walked the Earth and looked above for inspiration.
While the Moon may wax and wane, and the Sun will rise only to fall, the Stars abide, their sparkling shimmer a myriad of whorls and patterns in which - it is said - are contained all the secrets of this Age, the last, and the next as these sentries of the Heavens slowly but inexorably conduct the silent symphonies of Fate and Future.
When Man looks upon the Stars, he sees a reflection of himself laid bare; what he was, what he is and what he will yet be encapsulated within the molten core of just one tiny Star. So far away, this flickering nebula, yet so eminently within reach of those with the strength and fortitude to reach out their hands and lay fingertips across their own tapestry, to seize by the horns the mandate of their own future, to abandon dream and uncertainty in exchange for the gift of the Stars: the Vision, Passion and Patience to see one's will be done.
Elmaethor, god of the stars is infamous for his unpredictable demeanour and sardonic personality. He is known above all else to favour conflict, sowing the seeds of disharmony and violence wheresoever he may walk. The Order of the Stars is a handpicked, exclusive group, chosen personally by the star-god for some inner quality of ambition or excellence only he can judge as requisite. Those who wish to join his brood should seek out the Elenhiri - Priests of the Stars, permanent pupils in the arts of conflict and brilliant as the ethereally charged supernovae from whence came the very first flames of Passion.