Citizen of Thakria | Brigands Guild | Acolyte in the Order of Xanthe |
"Colonel Dachnavar, Acolyite Of Vengeance" with birth certification: 6-2-2000.
Dachnavar hails from the city of Thakria.
Dachnavar is a member of the Brigands Guild with Apprentice rank.
He renounced citizenship of Parrius on the 11th day of Mournsend 1012.
On the 11th day of Mournsend 1012, he was initiated into the Cavaliers Guild (under the mastery of Lord Arthor, Scion of Darkness).
On the 11th day of Mournsend 1012, he accepted citizenship of Thakria.
He was welcomed into the Order of Xanthe on the 10th day of Eleuthral 1013.
He did not complete apprenticeship in the Cavaliers Guild and on the 26th day of Ilmarael 1013 renounced its skills and ways.
On the 26th day of Ilmarael 1013, he was initiated into the Sorcerers Guild (under the mastery of Lord Arikarr D'Malachia).
He was thrown out of Sorcerers Guild by Sorcerer Guildmaster Drakath, Thakrian Protector on the 20th day of Ilmarael 1043.
On the 20th day of Midwinter 1077, he was initiated into the Sorcerers Guild (under the mastery of Solan, Harvester of Souls).
On the 16th day of Hindyear 1077, he completed apprenticeship in the Sorcerers guild and took the profession of the Sorcerer.
On the 10th day of Eleuthral 1154, he was initiated into the Loremasters Guild (under the mastery of Zwartia the Lorewitch).
On the 26th day of Paglost 1154, he completed apprenticeship in the Loremasters guild and took the profession of the Loremaster.
He renounced citizenship of Thakria on the 23rd day of Midwinter 1156.
On the 23rd day of Midwinter 1156, he accepted citizenship of Parrius.
He was thrown out of Loremasters Guild by Zerina the Irresistible on the 23rd day of Midwinter 1156.
He renounced citizenship of Parrius on the 30th day of Midwinter 1156.
On the 30th day of Midwinter 1156, he accepted citizenship of Mercinae.
On the 10th day of Midsummer 1156, he was initiated into the Knights Guild (under the mastery of Sir Laslow, Knight Errant).
On the 22nd day of Springflower 1373 he was cast out of the Order of Xanthe, the goddess of vengeance.
Dachnavar was noted as having crossed the thousand hours - completing the THOUSAND deed - in days of yore. Recognition came in Leaflost 1391 aDW.
Dachnavar was welcomed into the Order of Xanthe on the 8th day of Leaflost 1391.
Dachnavar renounced citizenship of Mercinae on the 27th day of Midwinter 1392.
On the 27th day of Midwinter 1392, Dachnavar accepted citizenship of Thakria. Dachnavar inherits Commoner rank.
Dachnavar did not complete apprenticeship in the Knights Guild and on the 27th day of Midwinter 1392 renounced its skills and ways.
On the 27th day of Midwinter 1392, Dachnavar was initiated into the Sorcerers Guild (under the mastery of Infamous Threap).
Dachnavar successfully completed the STONEDANCE deed (danced with the standing stones) on the 12th day of Ilmarael 1392 aDW. It is an achievement rated undeniably testing.
He gained promotion in the Order of Xanthe, the goddess of vengeance, to the rank of Acolyte in the "Order of the Ebon Chalice" Chapter. The promotion was given on the 26th day of Hindyear 1392.
Dachnavar did not complete apprenticeship in the Sorcerers Guild and on the 28th day of Leaflost 1392 renounced its skills and ways.
On the 28th day of Leaflost 1392, Dachnavar was initiated into the Brigands Guild (under the mastery of Satsuki Ravenhart, Mother Of Wolves).
Dachnavar successfully completed the FIRSTCHAPTER deed (completed the first adult chapter) on the 2nd day of Hindyear 1510 aDW. It is an achievement rated praiseworthy accomplishment.
Dachnavar is known to be active in Avalon at this time.
If you wish to know more about Dachnavar, type HISTORY DACHNAVAR to read his detailed character history. Check out LIFESTORY DACHNAVAR to read what DACHNAVAR has written of himself in his own words.