No Citizenship | Warriors Guild | No Order |
"Black Crael" with birth certification: 15-11-2002.
Crael has no citizenship.
Crael is a member of the Warriors Guild with Apprentice rank.
On the 10th day of Springflower 1078, he was initiated into the Warriors Guild (under the mastery of Blotto, The Red Tide).
On the 12th day of Ilmarael 1079, he completed apprenticeship in the Warriors guild and took the profession of the Knight.
He was welcomed into the Order of Inshallah by Bumble on the 13th day of Paglost 1094.
He renounced citizenship of Parrius on the 20th day of Agamnion 1094.
On the 21st day of Agamnion 1094 he was cast out of the Order of The Old Widow Bumble Bee, Silverwings.
On the 5th day of Midwinter 1095, he accepted citizenship of Parrius.
He renounced citizenship of Parrius on the 8th day of Mournsend 1095.
On the 16th day of Springflower 1095, he accepted citizenship of Thakria.
He left the Warriors Guild on the 28th day of Springflower 1095.
On the 6th day of Paglost 1095, he was initiated into the Cavaliers Guild (under the mastery of Cavalier Gaar, simple but true).
On the 20th day of Agamnion 1095, he completed apprenticeship in the Cavaliers guild and took the profession of the Knight.
He renounced citizenship of Thakria on the 25th day of Cloudburst 1135.
He was thrown out of Cavaliers Guild by Arturo, Serpent of Thakria on the 24th day of Springflower 1140.
On the 5th day of Mournsend 1142, he accepted citizenship of Parrius.
He renounced citizenship of Parrius on the 5th day of Mournsend 1142.
He renounced citizenship of Unknown on the 5th day of Mournsend 1142.
On the 25th day of Mournsend 1142, he accepted citizenship of Parrius.
He was ejected as a citizen of Parrius on the 16th day of Paglost 1142.
On the 27th day of Midsummer 1149, he accepted citizenship of Parrius.
He was ejected as a citizen of Parrius on the 1st day of Ilmarael 1149.
On the 8th day of Ilmarael 1152, he was initiated into the Alchemists Guild (under the mastery of Liara, Lady of Lore).
On the 6th day of Agamnion 1152, he completed apprenticeship in the Alchemists guild and took the profession of the Loremaster.
He was welcomed into the Order of Inshallah by Bumble on the 9th day of Leaflost 1155.
On the 11th day of Leaflost 1155 he was cast out of the Order of Beautiful Buzzin' Bumble, Bella Gerant Alii.
He left the Alchemists Guild on the 15th day of Midwinter 1163.
On the 20th day of Eleuthral 1188, he accepted citizenship of Parrius.
On the 30th day of Agamnion 1189, he was initiated into the Artisans Guild (under the mastery of Artisan Alexandra).
On the 30th day of Agamnion 1189, he completed apprenticeship in the Artisans guild and took the profession of the Loremaster.
He renounced citizenship of Parrius on the 2nd day of Eleuthral 1210.
He left the Artisans Guild on the 2nd day of Eleuthral 1210.
On the 21st day of Cloudburst 1210, he was initiated into the Alchemists Guild (under the mastery of Rune Mistress Jashiri Darling).
On the 15th day of Skyelong 1210, he completed apprenticeship in the Alchemists guild and took the profession of the Loremaster.
On the 7th day of Eleuthral 1213, he accepted citizenship of Springdale.
He was thrown out of Alchemists Guild by Daughter of Time Chasity De Fabritiis, Rune Mistress on the 1st day of Eleuthral 1215.
On the 16th day of Midwinter 1218, he was initiated into the Prophets Guild (under the mastery of Anubia).
On the 16th day of Midwinter 1218, he completed apprenticeship in the Prophets guild and took the profession of the Seer.
He won the election for Guildmaster of the Prophets Guild, beating Anubia, on the 6th day of Cloudburst 1218.
He was defeated by Eloire in the election for Guildmaster of the Prophets Guild on the 22nd day of Ilmarael 1219.
He renounced citizenship of Springdale on the 16th day of Springflower 1221.
He won the election for Guildmaster of the Prophets Guild, beating Eloire, on the 17th day of Springflower 1222.
He was defeated by Skyler in the election for Guildmaster of the Prophets Guild on the 1st day of Skyelong 1224.
He left the Prophets Guild on the 12th day of Cloudburst 1227.
On the 12th day of Cloudburst 1227, he was initiated into the Warriors Guild (under the mastery of Bootstrap Billwood).
On the 11th day of Agamnion 1227, he accepted citizenship of Parrius.
He renounced citizenship of Parrius on the 27th day of Skyelong 1228.
On the 28th day of Hindyear 1243, he completed apprenticeship in the Warriors guild and took the profession of the Knight.
He was thrown out of Warriors Guild by Fortifed Warrior Rath Mirage of Time on the 21st day of Skyelong 1244.
On the 12th day of Leaflost 1252, he accepted citizenship of Thakria.
On the 7th day of Agamnion 1252, he was initiated into the Cavaliers Guild (under the mastery of The Parallax Spetsnatz).
He left the Cavaliers Guild on the 21st day of Hindyear 1254.
He renounced his profession, permanently casting aside the mantle of the Knight on the 20th day of Eleuthral 1256.
On the 20th day of Eleuthral 1256, he was initiated into the Loremasters Guild (under the mastery of Achelous).
He was ejected as a citizen of Thakria on the 17th day of Mournsend 1256.
He did not complete apprenticeship in the Loremasters Guild and on the 24th day of Midwinter 1257 renounced its skills and ways.
On the 18th day of Midsummer 1282, he was initiated into the Warriors Guild (under the mastery of BattleTrain Saboteur Stangg, Magic's Wrath).
If you wish to know more about Crael, type HISTORY CRAEL to read his detailed character history. Check out LIFESTORY CRAEL to read what CRAEL has written of himself in his own words.