Citizen of Silverfalls | Thieves Guild | Scamp in the Order of Wraith |
"The Pirate Lord Alcarindel" with birth certification: 31-5-2001.
Alcarindel hails from the city of Silverfalls.
Alcarindel is a member of the Thieves Guild with Elder rank.
Alcarindel is a bandit known for his joking attitude and randomness in all that he does. He fills his days with petty thievery, puzzle solving, and childish pranks. He seems afflicted with a permanent wanderlust, switching citizenships as some Avalonians do clothes.
He made the declaration of acquisition: two hundred and seventy-eight Avalon years in the Thief profession. On the 11th day of Midwinter 1383 aDW, by dint of the declaration, he acquired the Thief specialist skill of Assassination.
Alcarindel is known to be active in Avalon at this time.
If you wish to know more about Alcarindel, type HISTORY ALCARINDEL to read his detailed character history. Check out LIFESTORY ALCARINDEL to read what ALCARINDEL has written of himself in his own words.