Online Multiplayer Game

Welcome to Avalon, the online multiplayer game world

Welcome to Avalon, the online multiplayer game world

If you are seeking the online multiplayer game Avalon RPG then congratulations, you've found it! If you wish to start playing immediately, no downloads required, simply click the Play Now icon below and choose Create New Character.

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If you want to know more about Avalon RPG before you take your first tentative (but carefully guided) steps then you may learn more by clicking the menu links above. Intro or Maps are a good place to start or you may wish to start right from the top at the Avalon home page.

If you are unsure what online multiplayer games are and wish to know more then read on for a brief definition.

An online multiplayer game is a game that can be played by more than one player online at the same time. A very simple example would be a two player game of chess, which is, of course, turn based. Most multiplayer games tend to allow many, many more players to partake and because they are online play is concurrent. The vast majority of online multiplayer games are role playing games (also known as RPGs for short) or adventure games of one type or another. It is the very multiplayer interaction of these RPG games that tends to make them so unpredictable, exciting and gripping. In sharing your experiences with others you will soon find yourself making new friends. If you have never played a multiplayer game online before, don't be daunted, try one out! Very few game players are disappointed with the extra dimension and most other players are friendly and helpful.