MUD - Avalon, Multi User Dungeon

Avalon as the first non-dungeon persistent world and automated mechanics

Avalon is the first non-dungeon persistent world

Most of the game mechanics of today that you see in MUDs and graphical video games are taken for granted, but when they were first invented prior to Ultima Onlines and Diablos, nobody thought it would be interesting to paying customers to have a persistent game world or mechanics of cooldowns, balance, and equilibrium timing to judge balance of gameplay instead of health, or indeed that automated game events were possible at a time of 32KB of RAM. Facts about Avalon include academic citations and supporting articles. We're still growing, too. Check us out!

From the first moment you enter Avalon, you embark upon a journey into the imagination.

A MUD is a multi user dungeon. Avalon is MUD b ased on a mythological environment in which you can develop your own character and interact with other real-life and imaginary beings. It is a continent of legends and detailed histories, both past and in the making. Step into this world and you may become an integral part of it; a major character in an unfolding tale, a great figure in the next noteworthy event in Avalon's illustrious history.

A MUD is played in real time and Avalon is no exception. This means that as you are thinking and acting, events will continue to progress around your character. Because Muds are multi user worlds, there are many other real-life players who you will meet and interact with.

Avalon is an example of an ever evolving MUD. You can play a part in the history of that evolving world. Build your reputation and role to become a respected or feared member of society, actions taken by you can alter the world for good or evil as you help to shape history on your journey of enlightenment and the ultimate quest for ordination and immortality.

These introductory pages are not intended as a full introduction to Muds, but by experiencing a land such as Avalon you will get a very full flavour of what Muds are all about and it is hoped they will help those new to these games by supplementing the on-line HELP that is constantly available and by providing a glimpse of the roleplaying possibilities open to all players within Avalon.

Return to the index or carry on to examine Character Building.