There are tens of thousands of items within Avalon, the great majority of which can be owned when found. Every item has a unique number associated with it which can be seen by typing INFO <itemname>. This is very useful way of referencing an individual item from a bunch of the same type. To examine an item you must EX <Itemname>. This gives a description and will also indicate whether or not the item can be owned. If it can, then you will keep that item (including when you log off) until you sell it, it breaks, it is lost or stolen from you.
Items that are necessary include clothing, a container of sorts for water and goods, and something that emits light. Upon joining a guild, a fellow member will generally help kit you out with the necessary gear. Typing STAT in the game, amidst the wealth of information, will tell you how clothed you are. Real as the game is, walking around naked will likely lead to you catching a cold.
Items you are sure to collect as your character progresses include combat weaponry - such as swords, defence gear - like armour, magical items - these can perform a number of tasks from healing to burning, storage containers - these can hold anything from dead bodies to herbs, keys to let you in to locations that are private, food - so that you may prevent the onset hunger, and importantly money - the gold pieces you can get from performing quests. Items bought from shops are typically owned by you, such are items given to you and some items that are found. Those that aren't ownable can be sold to a shop or player, and are lost after a certain period of time.
Items which cannot be owned may be part of serious quests - unless they are stored in a treasure chamber after a certain period of time, they will be returned to their original location. So if you're doing a long quest involving many items, you may wish to make use of guild or city treasure vaults for safeguarding your items.
The skill Itemlore is especially useful in identifying items, what they are used for and how good they are at that use. Type AB ITEMLORE to get a list of your abilities with Itemlore. This list gets regular additions as your skill increases.
Other useful commands when manipulating items are INV or I to see what items you are carrying, also GET or G item, DROP or DR <itemname>, GIVE or GI <itemname> TO <playername>, PUT <itemname> IN <Target>. You may grow in the skill of itemlore, some skills that will be available to you later provide a list of item types in your inventory.
Some items, especially weapons, must be wielded in one hand or the other when used. The command is WIELD, WIE or USE RIGHT/LEFT <item>. Items that are fitted with locks must be LOCKed and UNLOCKed with the appropriate key or other tool which usually has to be wielded to work. Items which are clothing can be worn and taken off using WEAR <item> and REMOVE <item>.
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