Chat avenues for communication

7. Communicating

Obviously, communicating with other players is of prime importance in a role-playing world. There are many ways to communicate with others. Use SAY <text> to talk to everyone in the same location. Other players in the location with you will see : You say, "text". SAY can be shortened to the single characters " or '.

To talk to someone not in your location you must use the TELL command. This takes the format of TELL <playername> <Message to send> but can be shortened to an abbreviation of the players name which still uniquely identifies that player. For example, to tell Apollo something you could use APOL Greetings Lord of Light. To get a message across to everyone in Avalon, anonymously, use SHOUT <Message>.

Emotions are not only an aid to role play they are often a quick, easy and precise way to get across your feelings to a number of people in the same location as you. You can create your own emotions by typing EMOTE or EM <text to send>. This places the text to send immediately after your name in a message sent to all those in your location and concluded automatically with a full stop, thus allowing you to express an infinite range of feelings and actions. There are also a vast number of automatic "emotes" which can be used just by typing one or two words. Examples are SMILE, GRIN, SOB, LAUGH, CRY. Experiment with these, there are hundreds of them. Many emotes can be 'targetted', so SOB GENESIS would send a tearful sob to Genesis, the god of time - if He was in your location.

Return to the index or carry on to examine Items and how to manipulate them.